Speaking at the recent "Social Marketing Rockstar" event with Marketo in Sydney, #Salesforce Down Under Blogging Rockstar Derek Laney (@Derektweets) scoped out a blueprint for Social Success.

Derek began his presentation by asking for some interaction. He asked the audience of some 300 marketing professionals when Social began.  A cacaphony called back a plethora of dates around the middle of the decade but for Derek, the seeds were sown with The Cluetrain Manifesto - back in 1999 - about how Markets would become Conversations:  "The result will be a new kind of conversation. And it will be the most exciting conversation business has ever engaged in".  You can see Derek's slides below and go to Slideshare to read his notes, but we thought it was particularly worth breaking out specifically his 5-tip blueprint for success:

1. Set *business* goals, not #social goals.  Too often marketeers becomes obsessed by the medium and not the role the medium plays.  Don't aim for success in successfully using the tool, but in making the tools deliver to your objectives.

2. Listen to your Customer’s World. The way to talk to customers is to understand their world and their pain-points.  Don't talk about yourself, they aren't interested.  Use monitoring tools like Radian6 to keep a close eye on developments in their world and talk to those.

3. Prepare to engage at scale. Before switching on the channel prepare a plan to scale that channel.  There is nothing worse than opneing up a channel with customers and then failing to be responsive.  Have systems, procedures and policies in place to make sure that monitoring leads to responsiveness and effective engagement.

4. Use the whole kitbag and integrate.  There is a plethora of Social channels at your disposal, use as many as you can, use them differently, but integrate them.  Link your blog to your Twitter feed.  Create imagery that you can share on Facebook and Pinterest.  Shoot Video that you can embed on your blog and host on You Tube.  But most importantly integrate them within a single strategy.

5. Measure Everything.  If it isn't working it's wasting resources that be better used elsewhere so measure the impact of everything you are doing.  If it isn't working are you doing it right?  If you are doing it right but it still isn't delivering value, then turn it off.  If it is working, collate the statistics that prove it, tell management and get more budget!

Helping Make Revenue Rockstars from Derek Laney

Have you become a Social Rockstar?  How have you been successful in telling that story back to the business, tell us in the comments box and share it with our other readers...