One thing that makes the current social revolution radically different from previous technology waves is that it’s age agnostic (cyber bullies, mummy bloggers, they are all out there).

It’s no less impressive, however, when a 77-year-old employee leads the charge into social computing.

InvoCare (better known as Guardian, Simplicity and White Lady Funerals) is one of Australia’s largest funeral care providers. And, Terry, the company’s eldest customer care consultant, is championing a mobile and social way of working on his new iPad along with many other InvoCare Guardian Plan consultants.

InvoCare staff recently led a project to move Guardian Funeral Plans into the cloud and are now swapping papers for iPads and grabbing the opportunity to hone their social media skills.

Once a 77-year old customer care consultant uses an iPad and a cloud computing CRM system in the funeral industry… it not only feels right, it’s a terrific achievement demonstrating what is possible if people are given the support they need. 

 Andi Luiskandl, CIO, InvoCare

A funeral company isn’t necessarily what springs to mind when you think of a social computing business. But then again, one of the biggest benefits of social business is to deliver more value to customers and service their needs better. On that front, a funeral business that continuously strives to meet and surpass the expectations in helping people to celebrate the lives of their loved ones whom have passed away, should be ahead of the curve.

Invocare screen grabRead more from the Customer Case Study Showcased here, and tell us your stories!