There is so much buzz around Dreamforce 2012, the crowds are pouring into San Francisco. I wish I was there to capture the atmosphere. Here is some background...

Dreamforce is's Annual Conference held in San Franscisco and it's a huge show that brings together customers, partners, employees from nearly every corner of the globe to the Moscone Center in the heart of San Francisco.  This year is the show's 10th anniversary!

I was fortunate enough to attend the last two Dreamforce confrerences, but this year I will be watching the keynote on from Sydney.  

Some of you may not know what Dreamforce is all about (well I didn't know about it until I joined Salesforce nearly 2 years ago). Here is a excellent video that highlights what went on at Dreamforce last year 2011. The background music was produced by and was the theme song during the event. Here is more of a teaser on what to expect at Dreamforce 2012.

It is a surprisingly euphoric event and here is a small hint as how excited some attendees can get: verteran Dreamforcer Garry who built a Dreamforce model out of lego!

DFstatsDreamforce just keeps getting bigger and bigger each year. Dreamforce is so large the City of San Francisco is closing off the entire Howard Street (which is the main road running their the heart of San Francisco's Moscone precinct) and turning it into park with grass and opening it up to the public. There will be local bands playing music all day.

Naturally the most eagerly anticipated part of the conference is the keynote by founder and CEO, Marc Benioff, who never fails to deliver an inspiring presentation - usually with special guest stars such as, Neil Young and MC Hammer!  

The crescendo of the conference is the Gala event, this year featuring the Red Hot Chilli Peppers who are playing an outdoor gig in Civic Center Plaza for crowds of over 25,000 people.  I wish I could be there to hear them do "Under the Bridge".

But in my opinion, the best part of Dreamforce 2012 is the Friday program which is nothing to do with software or cloud computing or technology. It's a Personal Wellness and Development Day with Tony Robbins.  I'm a huge Tony Robbins fan, I have purchased a few of his personal development CDs, and I'm sure delegates will be treated to some of the best inspirational thoughtt leadership available.

So you can see why there's a lot of buzz about Dreamforce and there is only hours left till it all starts. In the meantime you might want to get your iPads ready lodaed up with the iPad App or you can brush up on your fruit ninja skills with this awesome game by Salesforce Partner Appirio called: Appirio Server Ninja Game.  (This is ridiculously fantastic!) 

So if you're there, have a great time; if not like me - stay tuned to this blog for a taste of the action and register to watch the keynotes live online.

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