Guest Post: veteran Aden Forrest is a regular attendee at Dreamforce but this year he is attending with a new hat on - as the new local MD of Salesforce partner Marketo - so he's very much staying within the family.  Aden has hit the ground running in his new role leading Marketo in Australia and here has a few words of introduction as he readies for #DF12:

"Businesses today are using gamification, innovation, work 2.0, and social marketing for competitive advantage to drive greater engagement to achieve sustained revenue growth.

At Dreamforce ’12, Marketo’s CMO Sanjay Dholakia will discuss how coupling these latest engagement initiatives with revenue performance management strategies can lead to explosive growth. Buying is forever changed and as a result sales and marketing need better alignment.

New marketing software that streamlines marketing processes and makes every campaign inherently social is critical now. Companies must deliver more campaigns, generate more win-ready leads, and dramatically improve sales performance.

We will discuss how customers have transformed their marketing and sales operations into high performance revenue engines, to drive growth and fuel success. We will be offering our latest workbook, The Definitive Guide to Social Marketing which illustrates how to implement these social strategies to improve lead generation and revenue growth, and measure ROI. So, if you’re game to take your sales and marketing efforts to the next level, be sure to check this out.

See you at Dreamforce!"