If you couldn't get to Dreamforce this year - like Mark Vozzo - I share your pain!  But, as the Social age expands, the way in which you can enjoy it virtually is so much more complete than ever before, on any device.

1. Watch it Live!

First of course, there's Salesforce Live on Facebook - sign up now for the live feed of all the Keynote content as well as the build up with @petercoffee and join the Twitter conversation on #DF12.  

2. Look at it on Facebook and Flickr

The Salesforce Facebook page is pumping out no end of awesome photography to give you a sense of the excitement - such as this album that went up today.  You should *like* the page and get a constant feed of images and videos to keep you close to the action.  You can also watch a stream of images on Flickr.

3. Read about it in the Blogosphere

Don't forget the blogs - both here Down Under, as well as The Company Blog - which will flesh out some of the news coming out of the show.  There a number of other blogs too that will drill down into the deep detail on announcewments, product developments and so on.  You can browse them all by clicking the "Blog Network" or "other blogs"  links in the top right hand corner.  Don't forget the original Cloud Blog either - where it all started!

4. Watch it later on You Tube

All the keynotes and a lot of the breakout sessions will be archived for ever on the Dreamforce You Tube Channel within days of the show, so if you can't watch it live - too busy or like me, its in the middle of the night! - then you can soak up all the atmosphere retro-style here.

5. Talk about it on Twitter

Last but not least of course is The Conversation.  Every year the conversation on Twitter is rich and engaging, so search for the hashtag #DF12 or #Dreamforce to enjoy the chat, ask questions of the speakers and follow links to more information across the internet.


As Kayleigh Ford (@kayleighwrites) wrote today on this blog, #DF12 is all about showing the pathway to the way that business can now embed Social deep into the fabric of the organisation.  There'll be detail on the how to bring your customer closer to your business with the new Marketing Cloud - the fruit of the @Radian6 and @BuddyMedia acquisitions.  There'll also be several new exciting announcements about new developments with Chatter - the Social Network for employees.  

It's a very exciting time for the company, with Forbes magazine nominating Salesforce.com as the most innovative company in the world for the second year in a  row.   And to celebrate the 10th annversary of the first Dreamforce, this week the company was able to announce that the Salesforce Foundation is giving US$10 Million in grants to various projects across San Francisco.

So even though - like me - you're not physically there, you can join tens of thousands of others on Social Media and Social Networks, which are an fabulous way to enjoy the action vicariously - so tune in, *like* up and Tweet away!

Here's the showflow so you can keep up - and figure out the time zone differences here.

DF showflow