Flights complete, San Francisco hotel has been obtained and have even walked over the Golden Gate bridge, now lets get this Dreamforce 12 started! For those who haven't been lucky enough to get here for the event make sure to stay tuned to the blog this week as we update on all the new and cool stuff that is going on over here.

I am putting the finishing touches on my strategy for the week so I thought I would share a list of the sessions that are definitely on my "must see" list. Spoiler alert,  I should warn you guys that I am a computer nerd at heart so don't be surprised if the following list is mostly sessions in the Dev Zone. Another challenge is always how to fit in as much as you can!


  • Check in, orientation and finding my way around the venues. If you are in town on Monday, registration is a must on this day as the registration desk will be very busy come Tuesday.


  • Build dynamic Visualforce Components with dynamic SOQL - 10:15-11:15am (3:15-4:15am Wednesday EST)
  • Building desktop and mobile HTML5 applications with Sencha and - 11-12pm (4-5am Wednesday EST)
  • Habits of Highly Efficient Visualforce Pages - 1-2pm (6-9am Wednesday EST)
  • Advanced Application Lifecycle Management on - Tuesday 4-5pm (8-9am Wednesday EST)


  • Keynote - 9-11am (2-4am Thursday EST)
  • Advanced Asynchronous Apex - 1:30-2:30pm (5:30-6:30am Thursday EST) 
  • Best Practices for Automating Integrations with Data Loader - 3:15-4:15pm (8:15-9:15am Thursday EST)


  • Platform Keynote - Thursday 12 - 1 (5-6am Friday EST)
  • Developer Keynote - Thursday 3-4 (8-9am Friday EST)


  • Tony Robbins - 10-1pm (3-6am Saturday EST)
  • Marc and Parker Q&A - 2-3pm (7-8am Saturday EST)
  • Flight home..... 

No doubt there will be changes to the schedule this week as it unfolds, the great thing about being here are the things you see that you weren't expecting or planning to. Please comment below if there is sessions happening that you want to be updated on and we can see what we can do! For those who are in San Francisco this week, #df12 is ready and in every way is looking bigger than last year! 

Watch this space for my learnings...