When I open an e-mail from Kristi Kleinfelter, I’m at once jealous and excited. They usually begin something like ‘Hi, just arrived in Bombay…’  Or just as easily Berlin, Beijing, Bogota or Bulgaria. You get the picture.

What’s even more amazing about Kristi’s work, is what she’s doing in these exotic locations – employing Salesforce.com technology to help run organizations that place excellent educational opportunities within reach of people who really need them.

A recent e-mail exchange centered on donating Salesforce.com Technology to newly established ‘Teach for Pakistan’.

Like it’s peers in the ‘Teach for All’ network, ‘Teach for Pakistan’ enlists the country’s top university Teachforall graduates for two years of teaching in high-need areas.  These motivated superstars become a critical source of teaching talent, capable of leading substantial academic and personal achievement and demonstrating that students in even the most challenging circumstances are capable of succeeding at high levels. 

Teachforall2Salesforce technology is used by ‘Teach For All’ network organizations in +18 countries, including our very own ‘Teach for Australia’, praised for their significant contribution to overcoming educational disadvantage down under by the Federal Government.

The Foundation is delighted to be supporting the network use technology to better organize and deliver their work equipping future leaders with the motivation and insight to drive systemic reform in education.

I look forward to receiving your next e-mail Kristy!

‘We work with growing organizations to expand educational opportunity in their nations by providing technical support and thought partnership. One type of support is to help our network partner organizations design and implement data systems that manage the complicated processes of recruiting and selecting hundreds or thousands of candidates each year from universities across their countries to become teachers. Our partners also use Salesforce to track teacher performance and optimize coaching and other support resources in order to ensure students receive the best possible education. And many partners now rely on their Salesforce systems as an integral part of their fundraising and stakeholder stewardship efforts.’

Kristi Kleinfelter

Director, Partner Technology Resources, Teach For All 

You can learn more about the Salesforce.com  Foundation’s ‘Power of US’ License donation program here.