Pretty regularly, , founder and CEO Marc Benioff (@benioff) takes out some time to chew the fat with @JimCramer, the wildly effusive host of CNBC's Mad Money. Today Marc joined Mr Cramer to talk about the company's most recent results (which you can read about here.)

You can catch this quarter's Mad Money chat here.

Their natter is always informative as well as entertaining, and this time they took time to look at how social media was driving what Marc described as a "Rennnaisance" in business.  He cited an IBM CEO survey that reveals that the two priorities this year for CEOs in achieving better relationships with customers are improved salesforce automation and social media:

"Although face-to-face will remain the most prevalent form of customer interaction, CEOs expect a step-change in the use of social media."

To drill down, Cramer raised a recent comment by manufacturing giant, Kimberly-Clark who, in Cramer's words, "just reported a great quarter and cited Salesforce as the reason."  Marc was able to explain how KC's Sales, Service and Marketing organisations have been able to far better reach out to customers using their iPads, iPhones and Androids and using Social Media - all using technology provides them - and this has driven extraordinary growth and productivity for the company.

"We're embracing social external to the company as well as internal; Salesforce has been the catalyst to making our businesses better." Ramon Baez, CIO, Kimberly-Clark

To hear Kimberly-Clark's Social Enterprise story first hand, its worth watching Ramoin Baez, their CIO, tell it here on You Tube.

What has social meant for your business?  Leave a comment below to let us know.