It's worth watching this short video interview from Sky TV to get a great impression of what The Social Enterprise is and where it is going.  

Chief Enterprise Strategist with and former AMR analyst, Bruce Richardson, spoke with Sky TV's Nigel Freitas when we were lucky enough to welcome Bruce to Sydney last month for Cloudforce.  Nigel was our guest at Dreamforce last year when CEO and Founder Marc @Benioff unveiled the Social Enterprise vision; and so he was keen to get an update as to how that vision was unfolding in the market some 10 months on.

Bruce begins his update by talking briefly about the Buddy Media acquisition and also looks at the subject of Work and the purchase of Rypple.  He goes on to talk about how relevant Social is for small businesses, just as much as it is for the larger organisation.   Then Bruce talks about Mobile and how is embracing the new mobile generation with the move to HTML5 in  But probably of most importance is his advice to Australian business which is simple and worth dwelling on:

"Social is here, embrace it!  Change is coming.  Whether or not you think you are ready to become a social enterprise, your workers are."  

Bruce knows what he's talking about.  For some background on Bruce, its worth reading what ZDnet blogger and columnist Dennis Howlett (@dahowlett) had to say when announced his appointment late last year in an article entitled " hires Bruce Richardson: this is a big deal": 

"Bruce Richardson is one of the smartest and most gifted analysts I know and a person with a rolodex you could not buy for all the tea in China" Dennis Howlett, ZDnet

So grab a cup of coffee, sit back and enjoy some sage wisdom on the future from one of the experts!