For those of you were weren't able to make it along to Cloudforce Sydney on the 14th June, the wonders of modern technology mean that you can watch it now from the comfort of your desk, or lounge, or banana chair on the beach (ok, maybe not).

It was such a treat to have our Co-founder @parkerharris downunder for the first time. During the keynote, Parker talked to CBA CMO Andy Lark (@kiwilark) about how the bank's journey towards a social enterprise.  You also can see the video we made with CBA  about that story which debuted during Parker's keynote.  

"This is my first time in Australia, I apologise I've not been here before but I'm having an awesome time.  When we first arrived in Sydney...there was a beautiful rainbow over the city and I knew that was the sign this would be a great event" Parker Harris 

He also spoke to @Spotifyoz and @Vodafone_AU - both huge brands - about how they have used Salesforce products such as Rypple, Chatter and Radian6 in their own journeys towards becoming Social Enterprises.  You can read more about these stories in Suzanne Tindall's (@engochick) @ZDNetaustralia story which she was able to draft from her front row seat.

You can also read here about Vodafone's roll-out of Chatter in this story by @LizTayAU for @iTnews_AU, who attended the Breakout session given by Vodafone's Murray Elliot (@Muzelli)

While I was able to get a seat in the very crowded Keynote Hall - in total more than 2,400 were able to join Parker in the room - mid-keynote we had a major story break announcing our new alliance with Twitter.  Sadly, being a bloke, tweeting and listening at the same time is the kind of multi-tasking I can't pull off very well, so it's great to have a chance to catch it again!  Hope you enjoy it too.

For all the other content from the day, including the breakout sessions slide decks and the sessions at The Social Media Lounge, visit the #Cloudforce Sydney Landing page.