When people ask about the salesforce.com Foundation’s Employee Donation Matching program, one of my favorite stories is about my friend and colleague @BrittHoward.  Beautiful, blonde, and one of our most talented sales people, Britt is one of our many employees who regularly gives back to the community using her 6 days/year volunteering time off .  In February, Britt came to me with a cheeky grin on her face.

“Can we talk? I’ve got an exciting idea!”  She’d been looking for a way to make a contribution to The Leukemia Foundation as a tribute to her close relatives who had battled blood-related cancer.

“I’m going to auction off the rights to shave my head?! Do you think I could raise much money?”

With the modest goal of raising $3000, Britt embarked on a whirlwind social media fundraising campaign. A few weeks later, Britt stood on stage at a salesforce.com event, clippers in hand, having raised over $40,000!

With matching from the Salesforce.com Foundation Britt was able to carry her total to $68,718 making her the top fundraiser for the Leukemia Foundation’s World Greatest Shave Campaign in NSW and the 8th highest fundraiser in the country.

According to this article in the Manly Daily, the money Britt has raised will enable the Leukemia Foundation to:

• Provide 238 families with a free, fully furnished ``home away from home'' for two nights near a major hospital.

• Provide free transport to more than 200 patients and carers to and from hospital for 2 1/2 years.

• Enable 152 patients and carers to attend programs specific to their blood cancer.

It’s a remarkable achievement, and just another example of one of our #everydayheros.

Congratulations Britt.

Make your own contribution to the Leukaemia Foundation here