Michael Lazerlow chose to annouce the aquisition of his companBuddy Media by salesforce.com  through a truly personal story in a hurredly produced youtube video.  While the deal and the product are terrifically exciting, the story also reflects a zeitgeist in social marketing.

If markets are conversations, then the market is getting more and more personal and while the product will always be the key, increasingly how you behave as an organisation relects how your product is perceived.  It seems even in large deals, relationships matter greatly.

I find this kind of storytelling incredibly refreshing, indeed this is one of the reasons why I choose to work in this field. There is a renewed hunger for authenticity driven perhaps by the forced transparency of the internet, where nothing is truly hidden and everything is hyperlinked.

I look forward over the coming months to seeing these innovative product teams come together and deliver an outstanding marketing cloud service for our customers looking to listen, engage, gain insight, publish, advertise and measure social marketing programs.

Perhaps even more interestingly I look forward to hearing what stories organisations tell as they search for an authentic voice to connect with their audience/customer.

Congratulations Michael, Kass and welcome to our new Buddies.