Hello Cloudforce Sydney,

This is Sassy here. I got my good friend Mark Vozzo to put up this blog post on my recent exciting tour of Sydney.

I was here last year for Cloudforce 2011 but I didn't get much of a chance to do much sightseeing on that trip as I was on a very tight travel schedule.  

Mind you this year has been pretty hectic for me as well. I just finished Cloudforce Toronto on the 6th June and had a bit of free time up me sleeves so I headed to Sydney on the 10th June, did a bit of sightseeing and then I'm off to Japan for Cloudforce Osaka on the 12th July.

But I wanted to share with you a few photos of my adventures touring this lovely city of yours.  These are never seen before shots but wanted to share them with you. Help me become even more famous by Tweet this Page with my pics.

Also, please fee free to leave a few comments below on other places I should see whilst I'm here.



Here I am in Darling Harbour, the weather reminded me of Cloudforce London, I beleive the Salesforce Sydney office is in one of the 3 towers in the background.  But there's no way I want to be in the office, there too much to see and do outside.  Where are all the wild animals...?



Wow, what a big mouth you have Mr. Crocodile.


I think these birds found me really interesting,  I bet they wish they had some white on them.


This is a typical touristy shot, but I just had to do it. It's one of the most famous bridges in the world. I heard you can climb right to the top of it - how awesome. I wanted to do it so I approached the counter and apparently (for safety reasons) you have to wear a suite and harness that straps you to the bridge. They didn't have one my size (darn shame). But then I said asked the front desk "I don't really need a harness or a suite as I'm use to being in the cloud" they look at me stumped, oh well.  


I didn't realise I had so many fans down here in Sydney.  It's definitely one of the friendliest cities I'm been too. This building in the background looks amazing, I heard it's a concert hall. I wonder if  I can go dancing on that stage on day.


The trip just wouldn't be complete with a nice run along the the beach. I have to keep myself nice and fit so I can do all my dance moves up on stage at Cloudforce infront of 1,000s of people.  I gotta get ready for Dreamforce 2012.


An here is a photo taken by my good friend Mark Abramowitz (just a few hours ago) of me up on stage - Thanks Mark.

 If you want a photo with me, I'll be around the Expo Hall and hanging out in the Social Media Lounge.  

For all my adventures around the globe check out my Facebook Page

Please feel free to leave a few comments of other place I must see or Tweet to me @TooSaaSy with Hash tag #SaaSyinSydney