Just to prove #cloudforce isn't like any other technology conference out there, we have just launched a Heroku-built Spotify app on Facebook to help delegates vote for music they want on the playlist for the event, and share that with friends.  The top ten music contributions will win 6 months' premium service for free.

Crowdsourcing the playlist for a technology conference is a great example of The Social Enterprise in action.  Not only are Spotify helping us crowdsource the playlist, but their Australian CEO - Kate Vale - will be joining us on stage during the keynote to desribe how the company is using Rypple, which Salesforce acquired last December.  

Spotify only launched in Australia a couple of weeks ago and is already taking Australia by storm.  The popular music service helped Cloudforce London crowdsource their playlist and is defintely one of the hottest apps in town.

Rypple is the next generation social performance management app and we wrote about its use at Facebook on this blog a few weeeks ago.  Spotify made a video about their use of Rypple which debuted at Cloudforce San Francisco.  Its worth a watch - but not before you've logged into the app and voted for the tunes you want to hear next Thursday!  (If you haven't registered yet, go hear before registrations close wednesday).