Marketers face tough challenges in today's social media environment. No longer can a marketers push out their messages as the landscape has turned 180 degrees. The customer now has a voice and can command attention through Social Networks such as Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter... and the list goes on.

Here's a quote by Enrique Salem (President and CEO, Symantec): "The biggest game-changer over the next 5 years in business productivity will be how companies use Social Media."

What is a Marketer to do? How can today's marketing practisioners float above all the noise on social channels to make sense of it all?

Soar with Sassy at Cloudforce Sydney next week and find out how. If you haven't registered yet, seats are filling fast so Register Now.

We've got some great breakout sessions for Aussie Marketing Professionals. Start planning which sessions you'd like to attend.

Be sure to bookmark and return here after Cloudforce if you wish to view slides and presentations (subject to the presenter allowing us to). 

Share and Tweet this agenda with others -

Cloudforce -Sydney-2012_Mobile_Guide_button** Update 13 June **
We have just launched our Cloudforce Online Conference Guide that is optimised for Mobiles and Tablets. This site has an Agenda Planner, Maps, Speaker Bios, Partner details and more. Tweet this Tip.


Below is a list of sessions that will help you overcome some of the marketing challenges we face.

Social Enterprise - Starting Your Transformation

Time: 2.00pm - 3.00pm

Place: Bayside Auditorium A

This session will provide marketers and business leaders with an actionable framework for harnessing the power of social media to gain new customer insights, deepen engagement both inside/outside the company, and transform business processes to delight customers and benefit the bottom line. With practical steps to take on how to become to Social Enterprise and a deep dive into the Burberry case study, you’ll learn how to evolve your organisation into a fully connected Social Enterprise.

Introduction to Social Media: Listen & Engage with Radian6

Time: 3.10pm - 4.10pm

Place: Bayside Auditorium A

With millions of tweets, blog posts, and Facebook comments per day, today's customers are more connected and empowered than ever. Is your business ready to tap into their insights and join the conversation on the social web? Join us for an overview of social media monitoring and engagement; use cases for sales, service, marketing, and more; a live demo of Radian6 and Salesforce; and tips for getting started. Learn from companies using Radian6 to shape their brands, conduct market research, build sales pipelines, and deliver amazing customer service.

The best part of the day will be...

Networking Cocktails and Drinks

Time: 5.30pm-6.30pm

Place: Cloud Expo Area

A great chance for you to connect with fellow marketers and talk about changing marketing landscape in Austalia. 


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