With growing focus and media attention on the state of the world economy, more attention is being drawn to the financial services sector businesses such as banks, money lenders, mortgage brokers, insurance brokers and the list goes on. Customers are looking for services to help them navigate through this time of financial uncertainty.  

How can Australian Finacial Service businesses meet this growing demand?

We'll have Vivek Kundra coming over from the USA (he was the CIO for the United States) and he'll be talking about how government agencies can leverage the power of the cloud to drive unprecended innovation and transparency. If the US government are embarcing cloud, then what's stopping you business from doing the same.

If you'd like to attend the free conference Register Today!  If you have already registered, then please share this page with your fellow colleages and folks you know in financial services so they have the opportunity to learn about what is available on the day - http://bit.ly/cfsyd4fs 


Cloudforce -Sydney-2012_Mobile_Guide_button** Update 13 June **
We have just launched our Cloudforce Online Conference Guide that is optimised for Mobiles and Tablets. This site has an Agenda Planner, Maps, Speaker Bios, Partner details and more. Tweet this Tip.


We have a number of dedicated Breakout Sessions specifically tailored to meet the needs of folks in Financial Services. Here they are:

Social Enterprise for Financial Services

Time: 2.00pm - 3.00pm

Place: Bayside Terrace

Join us to hear how financial services companies are becoming Social Enterprises. Learn how they are building stronger customer connections and transforming both internal and external communication and collaboration. Hear directly from customers about their experiences, see live demonstrations, and learn how financial services companies are becoming Social Enterprises while operating in a highly-regulated environment.

Chatter Deployment & Best Practices

Time: 3.10pm - 4.10pm

Place: Bayside 204 A/B

Are you ready to transform your organization with Chatter, but don't know where to start or how to drive adoption? This session outlines best practices for deployment, adoption strategies, and tips for creating a vibrant enterprise social network. You’ll hear from customers about their experiences launching Chatter, driving usage across the organization, and turning their companies into Social Enterprises.

I feel, Chatter would be a great way for employees within your teams to share information on the latest products, promotions and also to have different departments collaborate on solutions for clients.

Social Enterprise: Delivering Cloud solutions in Government

Time: 3.10pm - 4.10pm

Place: Bayside Gallery B

Are you embracing the front line?  Are you specialising in user experiences or still managing servers? Are you using the best solutions or being shackled by the current state? Join Vivek Kundra, EVP for Emerging Markets at salesforce.com and former CIO of the United States, as he discusses how government agencies can leverage the power of the cloud to drive unprecended innovation and transparency.   

Deliver Exceptional Customer Service with Desk.com

Time: 4.30pm - 5.30pm

Place: Bayside 204 A/B

Learn about Desk.com, the all-in-one customer service application for small business. With Desk.com, you can get up and running in minutes and start providing quality customer support across all your major channels. Desk.com is built for the new social and mobile world, allowing small businesses to scale and engage with their customers directly on Facebook and Twitter and respond to customers on the go through their mobile devices. See how Desk.com can help anyone in your company deliver exceptional customer service.


And don't forget the most important part of the day...


Networking Cocktails and Drinks

Time: 5.30pm-6.30pm

Place: Cloud Expo Area

This is probably the best part of the event, because you get the chance to connect with others in the Financial Services industry.


Other Useful Blog Posts


If you have any questions or comments on the sessions listed above or would like something addressed in a session, please comment below.