There's an exciting buzz around the office this morning as news is breaking that last night at a gala awards dinner, was named the 6th best place to work in Australia by Business Review Weekly Magazine.

The award follows being named in the Fortune Magazine Best Companies to Work For issue earlier this year, and is a ringing endorsement of everything the Employee Success team has done to make a great place to work.

Aspects of the business singled out for note focus particularly on the Foundation - the philanthropy model founder and CEO Marc Benioff baked into the business from day one, "The company devotes 1 per cent of its equity, 1 per cent of its employees’ time and 1 per cent of its output to good causes," explains the magazine.  

It's a signal that today's modern organisations need to appeal to a new generation that regards profit and commercial success as only one aspect of their decision about who to work for.  Increasingly, generation Y is characterised as needing more than mere financial stability.  

"While many see Generation Y as ‘Generation Me’, over half of this so-called self-absorbed generation are involved in charity work and believe it is important to support their community. This principle is also prominent in their career ambitions and most Gen Yers seek work that has a purpose and value companies that understand their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).," 

says Andrea Riddell at Career FAQs.

But alongside the serious stuff, BRW is quick to point out that FUN is another important part of the modern day at work, and singles out company mascott SaaSy for particular attention: "Our people like that we are different and disruptive and Saasy is a fun reminder of that," says ANZ VP of Enterprise Sales Tony Armfield (@TBArmfield).

If you're interested in joining the party - visit our #Dreamjob site and get the process started!