On its way to Sydney on the 14th June, the Cloudforce Social Enterprise Tour hit London overnight.

London Cloudforce 2012 scored 14,000 registrations - twice the registration volume of only 9 months ago when last the roadshow hit "the big smoke".  Of course the poms are no strangers to clouds <boom boom tish> and it seems they've embraced  The Social Enterprise just as readily!

You can watch the keynote by salesforce.com COO @GeorgeHuSF here on You Tube:

The BIG news of the day was the launch of Chatter Messenger and Screensharing.  Previewed back at Dreamforce in September, this is the GA of salesforce's own instant message function within Chatter - the private, trusted andf secure social network for business.   The new functionality is part of Summer Release '12 - due in June - which you can read all about here in the Release Notes.  As always, all new innovations are available for free for customers without any upgrades or downlaods or patches or hassle - just log-in and enjoy!  

Also announced is the new Screen Sharing feature which allows real-time collaboration in a new more powerful way.  Screensharing will be available as a pilot in Q3 (i.e. from August).  You can read all about this news at Computerworld UK, V3.co.uk, ReadWriteWeb and Information Week.  Or, you can read the insider's view:

"Messenger and Screensharing offer even more opportunity to work, full time, "in the app" – in a way that reduces delays, engages opportunities, and makes much better use of everything that an organization knows and that its people know how to do." Peter Coffee

Now Spotify launched in Australia just yesterday, and so if you've managed to download it already, you can tune into the Cloudforce London Playlist to really get the feel for the day.  Or you can search Twitter for #Cloudforce to follow the conversation - just as you'll be able to do here in Sydney next month.

But the pace at which everything is growing is best borne out by this startling fact tweeted below by Stefan Reid - this is the same momentum that'll hit Darling Harbour next week.  So be part of it and register here