Last night we had a bit of win.'s Ryan Liubinskas (@rliubinskas)  picked up "The best Software, Technology or Online Solution" award at the Annual Import/Export Awards - presented to us by Deputy Premier for New South Wales,  the Hon. Andrew Stoner: 

OK, so its not an Oscar.  But, it's a pretty shade of blue and we are very, very grateful for recognition like this.  The organisers of the Import/Export Show know us well, and in fact in an article in the Sydney Morning Herald we got what  was perhaps even more significant recognition from them - as customers - than the award.

With the small business community so crucial to the Australian economy, a sector that represents 90 per cent of all businesses.  The impact of cloud computing on small businesses was perfectly articulated in this article by Import/Export's Miriam Fieler and Barabara Sullivan when they spoke to the Herald's Lia Timson back in November.

SMH_16Nov11"Its amazing...we were running expensive offices but spending all our lives on the road selling.  Now we can work from home and log on to the website, where we can track all our sales movements in live time," they said.

Also covered in this article was another of our small business customers, Information Planet - an online global travel information service for students based here in Sydney.  IP's CEO, Mauricio Pucci spoke also articulated the SMB value of cloud computing to Gadgey Guy Peter Blasina in this video last year:

Bottom line, despite the fact that you can now find in most of the leading multi-nationals on the planet, the roots of this company still lie in a value proposition that was so attractive to small businesses - basically "no hardware, no software and no networks to install, maintain, or upgrade."  

But that is only the beginning!  You can learn more about the benefits cloud computing brings SMBs here.