This post contains a slide deck from a presentation I delivered at SES Shanghai in April 2012. The presentation illustrates the gap that exists between Marketing and Sales and how a blame game erupts with Revenue is down.

The presentation goes on to show how CRM is the key to bridging the gap. It is a practical presentation that contains actual screenshot to help walk the audience through how Salesforce used to track it's Paid Search Campaigns.


Here is the Slide deck from the presentation:

How to use CRM Data to Maximize Paid Search
View more presentations from Mark Vozzo


Salesforce uses Marin Software as it's bid automation platform.Marin connects to Salesforce and pulls in the CRM data upon which bidding rules are applied to optimise SEM budget.


To download Mark Vozzo's SES Shanghai presentation, please visit and complete the form.


Avinash-Kaushik-with-Mark-Vozzo_at-SES-Shanghai-April2012I also had the pleasure of meeting Avinash Kaushik in person. He gave a great presentation at SES on what metrics are the right metrics to measure.







Here was the keynote room with Avinash up on stage:
