Chatter, Salesforce's social network for business was recently featured in The Australian.  Another good use case around Chatter---better, faster communication between groups, and less email.  Moreover, Chatter really helps to keep staff informed, and be more in touch with their customers' needs.

From the article:

"Three hundred sales people at Treasury currently use Chatter to communicate with other departments such as marketing and public relations. But one of the biggest benefits Mr Campbell has witnessed is Chatter's ability to speed up information flow.

"One of the big things I've seen as an example that's worked really well is often organisations, when they want information, chat through their hierarchy so a sales representative will call their boss and say 'I've heard that Rosemount Diamond Label cabernet was in the Jimmy Watson final and got down to the last few when it was being judged' and they might have to wait for a couple of days to get that feedback to see whether it's true.

(The Jimmy Watson Trophy is one of the most prestigious wine awards in Australia.)

"Whereas in Chatter we can have the sales manager that actually went to the function turn around and go 'I was there, yes that's true . . . it made the last eight'. And that happens in 15 minutes because everyone gets to see that feed.

He said emails in this area could be reduced by up to 30 per cent."