How Small and Fast-Growing Businesses Can Use Technology To Scale and Grow


1. Know your customer better than they know themselves

Gain customer insights by having a 360-degree view of the customer across teams.

“Ultimately the service you're driving and delivering is going to be a real differentiator for you and your success as a company. You really have to understand your customer and what they're looking for.”

– Stuart Thornton, CEO & Co-Founder, hoolah

“Previously, some people were falling through the cracks. Since having Salesforce on board, everyone in the organisation knows what's going on with our customers. Our customers already feel like they're getting a better, more personalised experience.”

– Penny Cox, SVP Growth, Carousell


2. Build customer trust through strong data security

It is now an imperative for businesses to protect customer data and make sure it’s used appropriately.

“Ultimately we're dealing with people's money so data and security is absolutely at the forefront of everything we do, from our internal services to the core product we create. We've got a specialised team looking at that."

– Stuart Thornton, CEO & Co-Founder, hoolah

“I think what we've seen in the digital economy as it has emerged is where you have a fantastic user experience, security tends to suffer. And vice versa. Our technology enables our customers to have both a great user experience as well as a secure user experience.”

– Raymond Lee, COO, V-KEY


3. Use technology to unlock the power of your data

Find technology solutions that can deliver scalability for your business. 

“Before Salesforce, we were all about spreadsheets. They got bigger and bigger and the formulas got more complicated, and more people started contributing. Salesforce has allowed us to regain control of activities right across the company.”

– Raymond Lee, COO, V-KEY

“The reporting and the analytical information that we got by [standardising and automating our commercial data] was super rich and it enabled us to get our sales team working on the absolute most important things versus spending their time doing administrative things or reporting.”

– Penny Cox, SVP Growth, Carousell


4. Grow your network and impact across the region

Use technology to connect your partners seamlessly.

“We went looking for other companies that we could partner with to leverage their ecosystems. When you branch out into Asia, it's not one market — it's 13 or 14 different markets with different currencies and cultures. Having those partnerships has really helped us, especially over the last 18 months when travel has been restricted.”

– Raymond Lee, COO, V-KEY

“Having the ability to integrate with merchants is important. With Salesforce, we built a certified plug-in to connect to the Salesforce shopping cart, for example. What that helps us to do is to very quickly integrate into a merchant and provide a service. It creates a lot more fluidity in terms of that integration, and also that partnership.”

– Stuart Thornton, CEO & Co-Founder, hoolah


5. Build a strong work culture

Keep your employees motivated by creating a transparent culture. This helps to foster a united workforce. 

“It is important to make sure people are still connected [...] in terms of sharing and communication so people understand what's going on, what I'm supposed to be doing, what am I contributing — they're really important questions to keep people motivated.” 

– Stuart Thornton, CEO & Co-Founder, hoolah

“We're always talking about the kind of cultural and organisational behaviours that we want more of. The best way for us to do that as a company is to model all of those behaviours at the highest level of leadership.”

– Penny Cox, SVP Growth, Carousell


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