Scale Service Efficiency To Reduce Costs And Grow Customer Loyalty


Enable connected, digital-first service

83% of customers say they’re more loyal to companies that provide consistency across departments.

57% of customers prefer to engage companies through digital channels.

To deliver an excellent service experience, agents require a single view of the customer journey across departments, and offline and digital channels.

63% of ASEAN service professionals* say all departments use the same CRM software


Drive service efficiency with technology

Partnerships between service and IT departments are strengthening in ASEAN.

81% of service decision makers who partner with IT say it helps the organisation save on software cost

83% say it results in faster time-to-market for new tech solutions


  • Saved time
  • Connection with other departments
  • Error reduction
  • Better focus on customers

Businesses have saved 27% in support costs with Service Cloud


Take service to the doorstep

79% of service decision makers across industries view field service management as a priority

86% of ASEAN decision makers at organisations with field service say it is critical to scale their business


Improve employee experience to drive revenue

85% of decision makers see a direct link between employee experience and customer experience

85% of ASEAN decision makers say they’re making significant investment in training

86% of ASEAN agents say they have a clear path for career growth


Did you know?

  • 55% of ASEAN organisations view customer service as a revenue generator, rather than a business cost
  • Einstein GPT for Service can help you support customers by auto-generating personalised customer interactions


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