Why Customer Service is the New Sales Engine


5 Ways Customer Service Is the New Sales Engine


1. Cultivate trust and reputation

A great service experience helps to position businesses as trusted partners. It also helps sales teams go from sellers to trusted advisors. 

99% of customers believe companies need to improve their trustworthiness

“A few years ago, I was talking to a service agent who suggested I buy a laptop from a particular line, and I trusted this person — he was on the service side, not on the sales side. Today, that division has to be obliterated. You want both teams working together so that sales and service are experienced as one, and they’re supporting one another.”
– Ron Kaufman, Co-Founder, CX and Service Expert, Uplifting Service


2. Demonstrate brand values

More consumers are looking to engage with companies that are values-led. Service teams can help meet this demand through customer interactions.

3 in 5 consumers say they would stop buying from a company whose values didn’t align with theirs 

“We’re seeing a shift towards doing well by doing good. The focus is on how we can help our communities and our customers.”
– Tiffani Bova, Chief Growth Evangelist, Salesforce


3. Reveal valuable customer insights

Breaking down the silos between sales and service can reveal deep customer insights and create more seamless customer experiences.

9 in 10 customers say they are more likely to make another purchase if they have a positive customer service experience 

“If you bring your sales and service teams together and ask them what they need from each other, they will develop things that you couldn’t even imagine.”
– Ron Kaufman, Co-Founder, CX and Service Expert, Uplifting Service


4. Build brand loyalty and advocacy

A great service experience has the opportunity to cultivate trust and empathy, which can make your customers feel confident about a future partnership. 

86% of sales reps say building long-term customer relationships is more important now than pre-pandemic

“Service is action that creates value for someone else. What makes it valuable is when it contributes to their wellbeing, otherwise they won’t make the purchase.”
– Ron Kaufman, Co-Founder, CX and Service Expert, Uplifting Service


5. Create a seamless omni-channel customer experience

Customers are hyper-connected, mobile, and more informed than ever. Creating personalised, unified touch points across sales and service channels can be a powerful differentiator. 

3 in 4 customers have used multiple channels to start and complete a transaction, and they expect consistency across their whole experience 

“The question is whether customers who have experienced faster delivery, less friction, and more access to more choices will ever go back [to only doing in-person purchases like they did pre-pandemic]. We now have to deliver in a sell-from-anywhere, service-from-anywhere environment.”
– Tiffani Bova, Chief Growth Evangelist, Salesforce


Watch ‘The Future of Sales: Go for Growth!’ webinar on demand

These are just some of the insights you’ll find in our recent webinar ‘The Future of Sales: Go for Growth!’. 

Watch Tiffani Bova, Chief Growth Evangelist at Salesforce, and service expert Ron Kaufman talk about the tools and techniques you can use to prepare for the future of sales. 


Watch the webinar.