AppExchange is the leading enterprise app marketplace to help Salesforce customers solve business challenges. As an independent software vendor (ISV) partner, you have the opportunity to sell your app to over 150,000 Salesforce customers by building on the Salesforce Platform

By joining this network of Salesforce Partners, you’ll gain access to an international marketplace. Over 150,000+ customers have installed Salesforce’s AppExchange, and 91% of Salesforce customers have installed at least one app. Businesses of all sizes use AppExchange, so you will find customers for whatever solutions you provide.

Being a Salesforce partner also means being able to leverage Salesforce technology. Successful partners choose to build on the Salesforce Platform for this very reason — they build 4-10x faster, benefit from increased productivity, and reduce time to market.

Also, you will get access to a vast community of partners and a wealth of inspiring resources, news, and partner updates that will lead you through every step of your journey and beyond.  

Let’s take a closer look at how being a Salesforce partner works.

What is the Salesforce Partner Program?

The Salesforce AppExchange Partner Program enables you to build business success and meet customer needs by participating in a virtual community of other partners and Salesforce experts. Each partner contributes to and benefits from the constantly evolving network. 

Whether you’re an individual developer, a startup, a not-for-profit, or an established company of any size, you can become an AppExchange partner. The Partner Program gives you the knowledge, tools, and infrastructure you need to take your ideas to market. And you don’t have to be a seasoned Salesforce user to get started. 

With access to the Salesforce Platform you can use low or no-code, drag-and-drop development, and automation tools to personalise the customer experience. With the highest levels of security, you can unify disparate data sources and collaborate across devices and systems to bring richer experiences to your customers.

Who can become a Salesforce ISV Partner?

ISV partners use the Salesforce Platform to create unique software or software-as-a-service (Saas) offerings for Salesforce customers on AppExchange. Current ISVs cover everything from organisational intelligence to development operations, security, and user experience. 

While ISV partners are commonly B2B SaaS organisations, consulting partners also play an important role in the AppExchange partnership network. Skilled in specific industries, consultants can offer preconfigured solutions for common industry challenges. 

What are the benefits of joining the Salesforce Partner Program?

Access innovative technology

The Salesforce Platform has all the building blocks you need. From a suite of innovative technologies and seasonal releases, to lightning-speed execution, it enables you to develop your app four to ten times faster as compared to third-party platforms.

Grow your business exponentially

You can expand the reach of your business with access to over 150,000 Salesforce customers, 91% of which use partner apps and solutions. The opportunities for connection and collaboration are huge.

Improve discoverability

Once you’ve built your solution, Salesforce provides everything you need to monetise it and boost your marketing efforts. You can leverage the power of the Partner Community and the Partner Marketing Center to leverage resources to build brand awareness and go to market faster.

Ensure powerful security

Security is another significant benefit of being a Salesforce Partner — all your app’s infrastructure is supported by Salesforce’s rigorous security standards. 

By partnering with Salesforce, SaaS leaders position themselves and their business as competitive differentiators, future-proofing their business and setting it up for success.

These are just some benefits that AppExchange Partners can leverage. Discover more of the benefits of building with Salesforce Platform as a Partner on AppExchange here.

How do I get started?

To learn more about how you can become a Salesforce Partner please visit our Salesforce Partner Program.

If you want to get a get a closer look at what it means to be part of the Salesforce Ecosystem, join us in Singapore on July 7 from 3.30 PM for Accelerate your SaaS Success with AppExchange.​​

You’ll be able to meet an ecosystem of like-minded SaaS leaders and discover the opportunity of becoming a Salesforce Partner! Register today to secure your spot.