From natural disasters to a global pandemic, we are living and working in an era of uncertainty. It’s difficult to know what’s coming next, and how to manage it. 

The public sector operates on the frontlines of uncertainty. Public servants must find ways to lead through change, and drive prosperity during difficult times. 

In a new Salesforce webinar, international keynote speaker, storyteller and best-selling author, Chris Helder, discusses how to accept uncertainty and affect positive change in a challenging reality

He sets out the seven stages of uncertainty acceptance:


1. Take an adventure mindset

Opportunity exists in the absence of certainty, but we must adopt an adventure mindset to see it. 

The public sector operates in an environment of almost constant uncertainty. From natural disasters and global pandemics, to frequent elections and relentless media oversight, public servants face political uncertainty on multiple fronts.

However, it is within this uncertainty that we can affect meaningful change — if we embrace the adventure. 


2. Focus on what you can control

In these unprecedented times, there are many things we can’t control. The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us that there is no perfect silver-bullet approach that will restore certainty. 

However, we can control how we respond to uncertainty. We can control how we lead change. We can control the actions we take to make a difference. 

Salesforce supports our customers to manage change through uncertainty. Our tools unlock the data, processes, and insights our customers need to build resilience and enable measured and effective change management in the public sector.


3. Adopt useful beliefs

This is a challenging time in the public sector, but we have a choice. We can freeze in the shadow of negativity and hopelessness. Alternatively, we can adopt useful beliefs that drive positive actions. 

Yes, the pandemic is awful. However, the technologies we have make this the best time in history to cope with it. We have come together as societies, and taken action to minimise risks. We have the technology to work from home. We have the tools to make amazing things happen. 

These are the useful beliefs that will drive us forward. Like a Swiss Army knife of capabilities, Salesforce can support public sector departments to turn useful beliefs into positive actions. 


4. Adjust your values

Whether we like it or not, the pandemic has changed our reality. As individuals and employees, we must all adjust our values accordingly. 

In the public sector, serving people and the community is an important value. The pandemic has affected many people, and wide-spread uncertainty is making many of us feel vulnerable. 

In this climate, time is the greatest gift we can give to our customers and stakeholders. We must invest our time to make their day better. When our stakeholders give us their time, it’s our job to give them everything we’ve got.


5. Keep it simple

As uncertainty grows, high performers and effective organisations keep it simple. The past 12 to 18 months has highlighted the importance of focusing our energies on important, high-value activities versus unimportant, low-value work. 

To succeed in the face of uncertainty, we must ask ourselves what is useful and what is not? Which activities produce results, and which do not? 

Salesforce helps organisations simplify work processes. We smash data silos, integrate platforms, and remove the complexity of managing multiple technology stacks.


6. Choose your narrative

Where do we go from here? The public sector must continue to lead through ongoing uncertainty. But there are opportunities everywhere. 

We can take ownership of the narrative, and tell stories that celebrate what we can control. We can simplify the messages we share, help define what’s important, and focus on how we can grow from tragedy


7. Take action

Today is the day to take action. It’s okay to start small, and acknowledge when things can be done better. That’s how we ignite conversations and share ideas. 

When you learn what works — replicate it. Code the success into your DNA, and design a life of excellence.

Salesforce helps organisations do this at scale. It is a fast, flexible, and agile platform that can stand up solutions in days and weeks, not months. With Salesforce, you can take action today.


Watch the full webinar with Chris Helder.