At Salesforce, we are constantly innovating to help you connect with your customers. After October 11, you will have access to hundreds of globally available products and features. Preview the latest Winter ’22 innovations today!

How can you get started exploring? First, get a slide-by-slide view of the newest features with Release In a Box, and earn a new badge with the Highlights Trail. Next, cozy up with the Innovation Spotlights, two integrated product journeys showcasing the latest products and features across the Customer 360:

  • Improve employee performance and grow your business. In this video, you’ll see how a bank analyses sales calls to train reps more efficiently with Einstein Conversation Insights Enhancements, simplifies document workflows with Digital Process Automation, and quickly builds personalised chatbots with Einstein Bots Enhancements.

See how Cumulus Bank maximises employee performance with Customer 360.


  • Engage with your customers. Watch how a manufacturing company utilises out-of-the-box templates to build fast-loading landing pages and event sites with Microsites, supercharges campaign analytics with Datorama Reports for Marketing Cloud — Advanced, and modernises the post-purchase experience with Salesforce Order Management for B2B.

See how Badger engages with customers using the Winter ’22 Release.


Learn more about innovation at Salesforce and the Winter ’22 Release at


This post originally appeared on the U.S.-version of the Salesforce blog.