As a Salesforce App Developer, you get to work with Customer 360, gain access to a wide range of learning opportunities, and be part of the inclusive Salesforce community.

According to the International Data Corporation (IDC), by 2024, Salesforce and its ecosystem of partners may create 8,500 direct and 17,000 indirect jobs in Singapore alone. This is driven in large part by increased demand for cloud solutions and services. 

The ASEAN Developer Challenge introduces you to the Salesforce ecosystem. Think of it as an opportunity to learn, earn, and connect. Register for the challenge and see how easy it is to begin building enterprise apps on the Salesforce Platform. Eventually, you will also get an opportunity to showcase your app-building skills to Salesforce customers and partners at an official Salesforce Demo Day.

Salesforce Developer Advocates will guide you through the challenge, and help you convert your enterprise app idea into a marketable asset. It’s also a great way to get Salesforce certified for free, says Joey Chan, a Salesforce MVP based in the Philippines.

“Starting as a Salesforce Developer is the best decision I've made for my career,” he says. “I have joined programming competitions since my university days to hone my skills. This is a great opportunity for everyone in the region to learn and get certified for free!”


How to join the ASEAN Developer Challenge

Participating in the challenge couldn’t be easier. All you need to do is follow these three simple steps: 

First, sign up for a free account and register for the challenge. Don’t forget to read the program terms.

Next, register for our three training webinars. Complete the Trails on Trailhead that we’ll share with you after each webinar. The first webinar will be held at 1:30 p.m. SGT on September 1, 2021. 

Finally, build an app and submit it by 6:30 p.m. SGT on Sunday, October 17, 2021


What happens next?

We’ll feature your app on our Developer community blog. You’ll also reveal your app to Salesforce customers and partners at an official Salesforce Demo Day at 11:00 a.m. SGT on Wednesday, October 27, 2021. 

All participants who complete the required Trails on Trailhead will receive a US$200 Certification Voucher. All participants who attend the  Demo Day will receive a US$400 Certification Voucher. 


Get your ticket to the Salesforce community

Your Salesforce journey doesn’t end on Demo Day. As a certified Salesforce Developer, you’ll be a valued member of the Salesforce community. 

Johan Yu, a Salesforce MVP based in Singapore, says the challenge is a great way for ASEAN developers to showcase their talent, build their careers, and become an integral part of the growing Salesforce ecosystem

“It's great to see such programs for the ASEAN community,” he says. “It will help to showcase our expertise, the power of the Salesforce platform, and build networks within the community. 

“I'd like to ask all ASEAN developers to join this program and use it to get Salesforce certified. I'm excited to see what our developers build!”


Start your Salesforce App Developer journey and register for the ASEAN Developer Challenge now.