JY Pook leads the  Asia-Pacific (APJ) region for Tableau, and is responsible for the region’s overall efforts to enable customers to supercharge their digital transformations by leveraging data and analytics. More from JY here.


Having made it through a nerve-wracking period of turbulence and disruption, businesses in Asia-Pacific are now eyeing growth. Some are achieving this much earlier than others. 

Register for the Tableau Live Asia Pacific event, happening on May 11 2021, and you’ll meet people from some of those businesses. They include Macquarie Bank, Bentley, Mahindra Finance, Tokopedia, MYOB, Agoda, and Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta.

These organisations have recognised the urgent need to transform, prepare for future shocks, meet customer experience expectations, and ensure every decision is informed by the most accurate real-time data.

They realise data is essential to being agile and quick to recognise opportunities before their competitors do. They also understand that innovation is essential if they’re to use the right data in the right ways. 

Critical to part of the transformation journey is figuring out how to democratise that data and place the power of this strategic asset in the hands of everyone. 

To do that, a business must develop a true data culture. But how is this achieved? How does everybody across the organisation receive relevant data to make faster, smarter decisions and engage meaningfully with customers?

As we’ll discover in detail during the Tableau Live Asia Pacific event, the answer lies in:

  • Technology and innovation
  • Behaviours around that technology, aka “data culture”

Data culture is essentially the collective behaviours and beliefs of those who value data. However, data culture on its own is worth little. A business may be filled with people who value data, but who have no way to access it.

Hence, the other essential ingredient in the recipe for data-driven success is technology. Typically involving artificial intelligence (AI), technology should automatically source the right data for the right person. This allows people to uncover relevant insights, operationalise accurate predictions, and make excellent decisions faster.


Product innovation to democratise data for everyone

At Tableau Live Asia Pacific, attendees will also discover entirely new ways to utilise the world’s leading analytics platform, Tableau, and uncover the depth of capabilities of the platform.

At Tableau, we’ve had a relentless focus on how AI-powered analytics can democratise data across an organisation. We believe analytics needs to be accessible and easy to use for the ordinary user to deliver business impact. That’s accessing any data, anywhere for any user.

The result is a real-time, dashboard view of relevant data that is customised for each and every individual within the organisation. With the assistance of AI, which collates and analyses the right data from the right sources, sales people see exactly what they need to see when they’re on a call. Marketing managers get real-time intelligence on current campaigns. Supply chain managers see how a current delay of raw materials in one part of the world will affect deliveries of manufactured goods in another. 

Rather than relying on static, historical data presented in spreadsheets, employees get a live feed of real-time, relevant data. They have the technology and they know how it makes them better at their work.

That’s what the democratisation of data truly looks like.


The value and power of a passionate community

Data culture begins with community – a thriving, collaborative group of people who help each other and share knowledge. In the data analytics space, the Tableau Community is unrivalled.

At Tableau Live Asia Pacific, you have the opportunity to join and meet members of our passionate community, and learn from each other at roundtables. 

You will develop an appreciation of data as a key strategic asset. You’ll also see how data creates high-trust and high-transparency environments that promote sharing, collaboration, and the success of others. 

Most importantly, you’ll begin to adopt a data and innovation mindset. One in which data and analytics become a catalyst for personal and organisational improvement. That’s a powerful step towards better decision making and future business success.


We look forward to welcoming you into our community at Tableau Live Asia Pacific. Get to know members from Bentley, Mahindra Finance, Tokopedia, MYOB, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health Thailand, Agoda, Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta, and more.

Register to find out how your business can become truly data-driven.