When COVID-19 caused us to reconsider live events, we reimagined them to be virtual for the safety of our customers, employees and partners. 

Salesforce Live: Asia, held on July 8 2020, was the first live streamed Salesforce event in the Asia-Pacific region. We covered a variety of topics, from technology-driven customer engagement to the latest business strategies and solutions. We also invited Trailblazers to share their success stories and external speakers to talk about bravery in the new normal.

Here are our top five highlights:


1. We showed how the Salesforce community will emerge stronger from the crisis

Supported by our mascots Codey and Einstein, host Rainbow Cheung, Senior Manager of Sustainability, kicked off the morning keynote. 

2020 has seen unprecedented changes in the ways we work and connect. But, as shared by Cecily Ng, Area VP & GM Salesforce Singapore, we believe our community will emerge from the pandemic stronger than before. That’s because Salesforce has a robust extended community that is made up of customers, employees, and partners. Salesforce also leads with its values: trust, customer success, innovation, and equality. 

When it comes to equality for example, Renzo Taal, Senior VP & GM Salesforce ASEAN, said that employees have given back over 100,000 hours to communities and non-governmental organisations. He also noted that employees have contributed over $1 million in funds for various causes, during Salesforce’s 16 years in Asia.

In line with our focus on innovation, we have also been working with customers to digitally transform their operations and systems. "One of the things that our customers constantly tell me is that they have to go digital," Renzo remarked. "All of their customers are now on digital channels so they have to digitise all of their work and engagements."

One solution is to have a customer-centric and digitally-enabled system that provides a single view of the customer, such as Salesforce Customer 360. 

Learn more about how the Salesforce community is responding to the new normal.



2. We saw how Work.com helps businesses reopen

As part of the keynote, Jonas Lim, Senior Director, Solution Engineering, took viewers through the new Work.com program. 

Work.com is a suite of solutions, expertise, and resources that help businesses to reopen safely and keep employees safe. It comprises six applications: contract tracing, shift scheduling, emergency response management, volunteer and grants management, employee wellness assessment, and workforce reskilling.  

Watch Jonas do a demo of Work.com.



3. Singapore Global Network proved that it’s possible to learn a system on the go

Singapore Global Network (SGN) is a division of the Singapore government that connects overseas Singaporeans, past residents, and those with strong connections to Singapore. The SGN team started using Salesforce in January 2020.

Shortly after implementing Salesforce, COVID-19 began to spread worldwide. SGN received multiple queries a day on impact of the pandemic for Singaporeans living overseas. To ensure that they could efficiently and meaningfully support people who needed help, SGN’s small team of 50 accelerated their learning of Salesforce. By March 2020, SGN was using Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, and Marketing Cloud at full scale. 

“Someone may write to us through Service Cloud, where we will engage with them. We committed to responding within 12 hours. That is a huge stretch for a government department,” said Jasmin Lau, Executive Director at SGN.

Her advice for people considering a digital transformation? “Just jump in, but start out small. Don’t jump into huge visionary solutions, as the world changes so fast,” says Jasmin. “Even though our learning was accelerated, we worked out the most important components we needed and then built from there. Also, no matter what solution or tools you use, make sure they are flexible enough to grow with you.”

Hear more about the SGN success story here.


4. UnionBank of the Philippines’ 400% surge in new account creation proves that the future of banking is digital

Before UnionBank of the Philippines implemented Salesforce, they were waiting weeks for customer data insights. Their contact centres used multiple systems and spreadsheets to identify customers. The bank’s sales teams also didn’t have real time customer data. 

That was three years ago. Now, the bank uses Salesforce Customer 360, a single platform that provides a 360 degree view of customers across all business units. 

The real test of the bank’s Salesforce Customer 360 implementation came during the COVID-19 pandemic. UnionBank could now allow the seamless opening of new accounts via the bank’s mobile app. Thanks to the ease of opening accounts, the number of new accounts increased substantially when the Philippines went under lockdown.

“An increase of 400% is not something to joke about,” said Colleen Toledo, CX Designer. “But because of the configurability of Salesforce, we were able to ease up some pain points that affected our service agents, by activating certain features like our omnichannel.”

Hear more about UnionBank of the Philippines success story here.



5. We learned what it meant to be resilient and connected amidst uncertainties

Salesforce Live wasn’t just about Salesforce and its customers. Our values-track segment shone a spotlight on the values and qualities that matter to us. These include building human connections and mental resilience.

Simone Heng is a global keynote speaker and specialist in human connections. She shared two tips for making connections: being vulnerable and leveling up. “Don’t be a bystander during Zoom meetings. Make yourself emotionally vulnerable and be the real you, " Simone advised. "Emotionally level-up by making your communication more emotive. Think emojis in emails. We have to give emotional information for people to connect with.”  

Angie Chew is the CEO and Mindfulness Principal at Brahm Centre. She also received the Singaporean of the Year award in 2019. For Angie, being resilient during change means making sure that the mind is not defeated. She said, “The feeling of being defeated comes from our own negative thoughts. Don’t pull memories of regret and guilt into your present thoughts. If you train your mind to be present, this is where resilience comes in.”

Learn more tips on bravery, resilience, and making connections here.


We could not have launched our first Salesforce Live: Asia virtual event without the support and engagement of the Salesforce community. Thank you to all the viewers who tuned in, posted on social media, and participated in our virtual sessions.  We were also inspired by our Trailblazers who shared their learnings and best practices, and even some behind the scenes glimpses of their set-up - like Trailblazer Avis Easteal, Regional Head of Consumer at Luxasia.



For those who missed out on Salesforce Live: Asia last week, click here to watch all our sessions on-demand.